1. If you find an error in the tax preparation that entitles you to a larger refund (or smaller liability), we will refund any fees you paid us to use our service to prepare that return and you may use our service to amend your return at no additional charge. To qualify, the larger refund or smaller tax liability must not be due to differences or inaccuracies in data supplied by you, your choice not to claim a deduction or credit, positions taken on your return that are contrary to law, or changes in federal or state tax laws.
2. If our tax preparation software makes a mathematical error that results in your payment of a penalty and/or interest to the IRS that you would otherwise not have been required to pay, April will reimburse you up to a maximum of $10,000.
If you receive an audit letter from the IRS or a state tax authority in connection with an accepted tax return filed through April, we will provide you with informational assistance, such as responses to frequently asked questions or links to resources on the IRS’s or other tax authority’s website. April will not represent you before the relevant tax authority or provide legal advice.
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