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The Estimator

The Estimator

The Estimator

The Estimator

The Estimator
We’ve got you covered this tax season
Esusu is offering a smarter way to file with a maximum refund guarantee¹ and no upsells, ever.
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Let's talk tax

No upsells

No upsells

No upsells

No upsells

No upsells
The price you see is the price you get
Other companies often make finding your price to file so complicated — you’re never really sure what you’re going to end up paying. We’re committed to upfront, transparent fees and no upsells, ever.

No surprises

We’ll help you find the credits and deductions to get your maximum refund, guaranteed.¹ Plus, april is an IRS authorized e-file provider.
UI components showing how april can help foster multi-product relationships

Unlock shortcuts

Upload your previous year's tax return or W-2 forms and we'll pre-fill data. No more clumsy thumbs!
UI components showing how april can help build smarter cross-sell programs
april team photo

Help when you need it

Unlimited live chat support available 7 days a week at no additional cost.

Other providers charge additional fees for tax situations

Filing coverage
Included with april
Other providers*
State filing
Stock sales
Crypto sales
Freelance or gig income
Small business deductions
*Based on a review of the top 3 online U.S. tax prep providers conducted in January 2024, all providers are charging additional fees for these tax situations beyond the first tier of federal DIY software fees (not including qualified free file).

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Filer FAQs

For more details on coverage, please visit the april Filer legal page.
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better business bureau accredited business
Any data shared is subject to applicable law and consent.
Product images used are for illustrative purposes only.
© 2021-2025 April Tax Solutions Inc. All rights reserved.
1. If you find an error in the tax preparation that entitles you to a larger refund (or smaller liability), we will refund any fees you paid us to use our service to prepare that return and you may use our service to amend your return at no additional charge. To qualify, the larger refund or smaller tax liability must not be due to differences or inaccuracies in data supplied by you, your choice not to claim a deduction or credit, positions taken on your return that are contrary to law, or changes in federal or state tax laws. 2. If our tax preparation software makes a mathematical error that results in your payment of a penalty and/or interest to the IRS that you would otherwise not have been required to pay, April will reimburse you up to a maximum of $10,000. If you receive an audit letter from the IRS or a state tax authority in connection with an accepted tax return filed through April, we will provide you with informational assistance, such as responses to frequently asked questions or links to resources on the IRS’s or other tax authority’s website. April will not represent you before the relevant tax authority or provide legal advice. Please submit any inquiries or concerns to support@getapril.com. For data deletion requests, please see the Privacy Policy and submit the required information to privacy@getapril.com. To report a security incident, please contact security@getapril.com or see April's Responsible Disclosure Policy. By accessing and using this page you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy.